How to Handle Tough Job Interview Questions

Interview Questions

During your job interview, you will likely be asked tough questions designed to see how well you handle challenging situations. These questions help employers assess your ability to think critically under pressure and reveal critical personal and professional insights. This article will explore common tricky interview questions and provide strategies for answering them effectively.

We’ve also created a three-part interview mini-series to help you better prepare for the entire interview process:

  1. How to Prepare for an Interview
  2. How to Follow Up After an Interview
  3. Mastering an Online Interview

Why Employers Ask Difficult Interview Questions

Before diving into specific questions, it’s essential to understand why employers ask difficult interview questions. They use these challenging questions to test how you react to stressful or uncomfortable situations. Additionally, these questions help interviewers gather critical personal information that may not be revealed through standard questions.

For example, when an employer asks, “Tell me about yourself,” they aren’t just looking for your job history—they want to assess your communication skills, personality, and whether you align with their company culture.

Common Difficult Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Let’s break down some of the most common tricky interview questions and provide examples of how to answer them effectively.

Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Company?


Speak positively about your current or past employer. Highlight the value of your experience, but focus on the lack of growth opportunities in your current position. Explain that the role you’re applying for aligns better with your long-term career goals, offering more development opportunities that match your ambitions and skill set.

For example:

“I’ve learned a lot and gained valuable experience in my current role, but I’m looking for a position that offers more room for growth and aligns with my future career goals. The role at your company perfectly matches my skills and the type of work I want to focus on moving forward.”

What Is Your Biggest Weakness?


When answering this question, avoid highlighting weaknesses that could hinder your chances of success. Instead, focus on a minor weakness that won’t significantly affect the job you’re applying for and frame it as something you’re working on improving.

For example:

“I sometimes focus too much on the details, which can slow me down, but I’ve been working on prioritizing tasks to keep things moving efficiently while maintaining accuracy.”

Tell Me About a Time You Overcame an Obstacle


Use this question to demonstrate problem-solving skills. Highlight a situation where you encountered a challenge and took steps to resolve it, particularly if it relates to customer service or team collaboration.

For example:

“In my last role, a customer had an issue with one of our products. After listening carefully to their concerns, I worked with my team to offer an alternative solution, which the customer appreciated. They left a positive review, turning a negative experience into a success.”

Why Do You Want to Work for Our Company?


This is your opportunity to show that you’ve done your research. Mention details about the company’s values, mission, or recent achievements that attracted you to the role.

For example:

“I’ve been looking for a company that emphasizes innovation and integrity, and your organization stands out in both areas. I’m particularly impressed by your recent sustainability initiatives, and I’d love to contribute to that work.”

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?


Reassure the interviewer that you are looking for long-term growth with their company. Mention specific job roles or skills you’d like to develop, showing that you see a future for yourself in the organization.

For example:

“In five years, I see myself taking on leadership responsibilities within this department, helping to drive the company’s goals forward, and continuing to grow my expertise in this field.”

Why Should We Hire You Over Someone Else?


This is your chance to stand out. Highlight the strengths, experiences, and qualifications that make you the ideal candidate. Focus on successes from your past roles, demonstrating how you’ll add value to the company.

For example:

“My experience in both customer service and project management gives me a unique skill set that aligns perfectly with the needs of this position. In my previous role, I helped increase client retention by 20% through improved service strategies, which I’m confident I could replicate here.”

Preparing for Difficult Interview Questions

To prepare for these tricky interview questions, it’s essential to practice. Consider rehearsing answers in front of a mirror or with a friend who can provide feedback. Role-playing with another person will help you practice answering questions on the spot and build your confidence.

Additionally, research the company, the role, and the types of questions commonly asked in interviews for that industry. You can tailor your responses to the specific company and position.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tricky Interview Questions

How should you handle tricky interview questions?

The key to handling difficult questions is staying calm and composed. Take a moment to think about what the interviewer is asking, and craft a response that addresses the question and what the employer is looking for. They may be more interested in how you react under pressure than the actual content of your answer.

What is the most challenging interview question to answer?

The most challenging question can vary from person to person. Many candidates find the “biggest weakness” question challenging because they don’t want to reveal something negative. To handle this, prepare a positive-negative answer that frames your weakness as something you’re improving.


Mastering difficult interview questions is an essential skill that can make or break your job search. By understanding why these questions are asked and practising thoughtful, confident answers, you’ll set yourself up for success.

Remember to stay calm, prepare thoroughly, and approach each question as an opportunity to demonstrate your value. With these strategies, you’ll be well-prepared to handle even the most challenging interview questions confidently.